DreamVR aims to inspire healthier communication by connecting people through Virtual Reality. Company provides virtual reality equipments and special program to serve people who needs contact without being physical presents. This healthy environment we carets with a helpful voice to help the, feel alive and fulfilled. I create this idea, and the goal is to caret a real business model with cohesive design that carries out the entire branding system.
Branding Concept
Company Mission
The mission of the company creates a Virtual Reality environment which can help businesses, educational institute, family,single family, children with disability, even children with autism to communicate and experences physical presents in order to bring the highest level of communication.
Culture: friendly, technology, fantasy, dreamy.
Voice: helpful, communicative.
Feeling: happy, fulfilled, satisfied.
Impact: help people to feel happy, and communication effective

Mood Board
People will experience visual reality thought VR. The sights will travel through the eye rise to the future.
Blue: the reality
Green: hope
Yellow: future
Circles: dreams and magics


Photo Treatment




Note: All the images are downloaded from internet with alteration by LADIVA RUAN. Copyright are belong to its original resource